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We are committed to supporting the well-being of those helping refugees, migrants and people in difficult life situations.

About project

The “The wellbeing of refugees’ supporters” project helps organisations transform their internal processes to maintain a culture of employee and volunteer well-being within the organisation, to support those exposed to long-term strain and stress in the context of helping others in need: refugees, migrants and people in difficult situations.

Well-being culture

Creating a culture of well-being in an organization that cares for its employees and volunteers by supporting their well-being, health and work balance

Empowering supporters

Showing how important it is to care for the well-being of those supported and your own, and inspiring changes to be made in everyday activities.

Practical tools

Increasing the knowledge and skills of supporters and their organisations, and providing practical methods and approaches for those delivering educational activities for staff and volunteers


Science is adventure Foundation


An independent non-governmental organization running the Adventure Non-Public Primary School in Ustka. Education is a common good for them, engaging the entire community in the continuous development of a generation of citizens..

What we do

The Well-support Matrix

In the Well-Support Matrix we define the values from the perspective of their role in nurturing a well-support culture, i.e. one in which the organization cares about both the well-being of its beneficiaries and its team: employees and volunteers.

The Well-Support Toolkit

The toolkit includes tools, methods and ideas for training and workshops on good support. It provides an overview of the curriculum that focuses on:

  • Helping to recognise internal issues,
  • Encouraging transparent communication
  • Promoting a culture of well-being that supports all people


Educational videos that contain guidelines for trainers and adult educators: how to work using Well-support Matrix and Toolkit, how to engage supporters who are not familiar with the well-being concept and are skeptical about it and how to promote well-being culture.

How to support others and take care of yourself? The manual for trainers working with people helping others

Send us a message!

Warecka Street 4/6, Warsaw, Poland

The European Commission’s support for the production of this project does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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